“Doc, Please Help Get Rid of My Warts!!!”...
We are excited to see so many of you join our fall FMEP courses. Several...
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Mr. Stat In is a 41-year-old male who comes in for his periodic health check-up. He tells you his father had a heart attack when he was 61. He admits to drinking one to two alcoholic beverages on weekends and smoking socially (two to three cigarettes per week). He is physically active and engages in regular ballet dancing. His height is 180 cm, and his weight is 92 kg. He works as an accountant but travels regularly to India to visit his father. You review his blood work from last month, and his HbA1c was 6.1%. His blood pressure today is 152/82.
1. For Mr. Stat In, what are four indications for lipid screening? (4 points)
NOT obesity (BMI < 30), NOT family history of early CAD (men < 55 and women < 65 years of age in 1st degree relatives), not pre-diabetes. Check out the screening guidelines here [https://www.onlinecjc.ca/article/S0828-282X(16)30732-2/fulltext].
2. List two laboratory tests you would order to screen Mr. Stat In for dyslipidemia. (2 points)
NOT “cholesterolâ€- be SPECIFIC!
3. He completes his non-fasting blood work, and his triglycerides come back at 4.8. What is your next step? (1 point)
4. He repeats the blood work in a fasting state and then follows up with you. You review the results and note that his LDL is 4.6, HDL 1.2, non-HDL 6.1, and TG 4.5. You are considering your management options. List one tool you can use to assess his cardiovascular risk. (1 point)
5. You initiate statin therapy. List four statin-associated side effects. (4 points)
6. What LDL level are you targeting with your therapy? (1 point)
Note: If the patient had ACS, LDL < 1.8 would be an acceptable answer.
7. You calculate his Framingham risk score to be 24%. List three non-statin therapies that can be used to manage dyslipidemia. (3 points)
8. What are two statin-indicated conditions? (2 points)